The Concept
It’s hard to feel lucky when you get pulled over by the police for breaking the road rules. In that moment, the frustration of a fine means you can’t see that the consequences of not getting caught could be far, far worse. ‘Press Rewind’ confronts drivers with that potentially tragic reality in real life and creates a ‘sliding doors’ moment; a glimpse of how changing their attitude to police enforcement - and their behaviour behind the wheel - could change the outcome. St.Kilda and Ballarat locals awoke to a confronting, hyper real crash scene. Visitors could use their phones to activate the Press Rewind app to discover a luckier outcome.
On the cusp of the Christmas holidays, the death toll on Victoria’s roads was up by 10% on the previous year. ‘The Lucky Ones’ road safety enforcement campaign was into its third year on air and needed to an idea to develop more traction. We developed Press Rewind to drive earned media and reinvigorate the above-the-line campaign.