The concept
Many motorcycle riders, after a crash can’t part with their gear. For sentimental reasons they hold onto it as a reminder of the thing that that saved their life. For some, their gear sits pride of place on a mantelpiece and others safely stashed in a box in the shed. We tapped into this insight to create ‘The Gear Box’. A fully integrated, peer to peer campaign of real riders sharing real stories. We developed a content series of crowd sourced riders who generously shared their gear and their stories with us.
The Gear Box rolled out across digital, social, retail and then led into the Spokes MotoGP 2022 partnership activating at the track. The Gear Box has now become a conversation starter for the Spokes community to engage with each other about protective gear. The results is one of Spokes most engaged campaigns to date.
The background
Our original brief in 2020 was for a partnership activation at the MotoGP track – but when the event was cancelled, we made a quick strategic pivot. Instead, we developed a concept that would reach the same audience through a targeted digital and social campaign. And importantly, could extend to an activation when the time was right the following year. So from end to end we developed the strategy and concept, talent sourcing, video production, instore retail builds and the full social and digital rollout. A truly integrated peer-to-peer campaign that really hit the mark.